I am nine days late tomorrow and the pregnancy test said negative.
i have cramping for the last three-four days.
my breast are SLIGHTLY sore.
i have increased discharge (TMI sorry)
if i eat too much, i feel sick.
on occasion, i'll get random headaches.
does this sound like pregnancy and how long did it take for you to find out if you were preggo or not?
What is wrong with me? im late but the test is negative?opera ticket
my first pregnancy i found out when i was three months, all tests blood and urine were negative till than, second pregnancy i found out when i was 8 weeks with twins. this pregnancy i am 4 months pregnant and still have negative blood and urine tests, found out i was pregnant by ultrasound when i was 9 weeks. Just cause the test is negative doesnt mean a thing, get into a doctor asap and have them do a blood test AND full exam. good luck hun and i hope it turns out the way you want.
What is wrong with me? im late but the test is negative?pacific theater opera theater
get a blood test. If thats negative too, it could be stress.
maybe you feel streess.
I read that you can test between 7 and 15 days after intercourse.
I think it could be stress too. If you are worrying about it you will not get it sooner. It will takw longer if you think about it. If you go more than 1 week without having your period then you might to take another test.
It sounds like all of the classic signs of pregnancy. It is possible for you to be pregnant and just not have enough of the HCG hormone in your urine to pick up on.. Make an appoinment and go in to see a doctor they can draw blood work, and give you a more accurate answer....
Call ur doctor for a blood test, they are way more accurate than the home pregnancy test.
well you could have missed your period because of stress or working out more than normal. Also, if you lose more weight than usual during the month (dieting) that causes you to miss a period too. And, since you missed your per. it causes stress and thus the symptoms. If the test was negative I would take precautions for the month. Make sure you eat right, don't smoke, don't drink, try to avoid things lead-based and other potentially dangerous products and most of all rest and relax, don't stress. Do all these and at the end of the month right before your next per. take a test. If it comes out positive then see your doc and you'll feel good for knowing that during this time you took care of you and the baby. If it comes out negative then better luck next time (if you're trying to conceive)! Mine was a planned pregnancy so I knew that there was a definite possibility. I started getting very nauseous and sleepy all the time at 3 wks. to 4 wks.
The problem with pregnancy symptoms is that they are so much like PMS.
It may just be that you are under stress-- and hence the delay in your period (assuming that you have a regular menstrual cycle). The ironic thing is that the delay on the onset of your menses and your stress become a vicious chasing cycle where the delay of the menses feeds on your stress which then causes more delay in your menses.
But then again, you may indeed be pregnant, but that the test kit was not very sensitive in detecting hCG. Whereas there are test kits that claim that they can detect hCG levels on the first day of a missed period, the accuracy of the test is greatly improved when the test is done more than one week after a woman has missed her period when hCG levels are higher.
I suggest, in the meantime, that you "act" pregnant and take precautions just to be on the safe side until you find out for sure.
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