Thursday, December 10, 2009

When you are on here late and get tired, do things start seeming funnier, or are they really funnier

been a long time since I've been here late...

When you are on here late and get tired, do things start seeming funnier, or are they really funnier?theatre tickets

The same content is here all along. When you are tired, your brain allows you to see the humor in that which you normally would not.

When you are on here late and get tired, do things start seeming funnier, or are they really funnier?opera house opera theater

It gets funny.
They actually get less funnier to me. I guess my mind isn't as sharp when I'm tired.
Yes people get loosened up after a few questions. lol. All their dirty secrets come out.
i think it starts to get lame
they are really funnier. believe me.
Actually it gets fuzzier and fuzzier as well lol!
No I think things start getting funnier, when I'm tired I tend to laugh at everthing. but there are some crazy people on in the night.
Yes, you are right about that, but they only seem funnier to you BECAUSE you are tired. It lowers your inhibitions like drinking alcohol. Things seem funnier when you are buzzed as well, or even stoned.

Don't know why this phenomenon happens but it seems to!
Maybe! Or just less depressing!
It get funnier cause people get higher or drunker.
Yes...Everything gets funnier when I am a tired lil pumpkin with sleepy dust in my eyes... :)
LOL! I think that they just seem funnier!


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