Saturday, December 5, 2009

When is a period classed as late?

hi ppl , if u read my other questions u will see my period was roughly due on the `17/18th february, when is a period classed as late?? i mean classed as not coming, i hear its like if someone had a 28 day cycle it wud be the 32nd day, i dont get it much can anyone tell me?? thanks x

When is a period classed as late?sunshine

it depends how regular it is

if it always comes on the 28th day then yes the 32nd would be late.

When is a period classed as late?star theater opera theater

That really depends on you and your cycle. Is it regular? Being late is sort of subjective in that sense. Many younger women have irregular periods for years.
Um......when it doesn't arrive when expected :)
usually a week late indicates pregnancy OR stress OR irregular periods
depends if you come on same date every month then id say a week late is late, but things differ if your stressed, run down doing to much, ill all can make periods late as well as pregnancy but all women are diffrent some can come on twice in a month others once every three months
I think it is five days after it usually comes.

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