Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I get a late mortgage payment off of my credit report?

How do I get a late mortgage payment off of my credit report? I mean I'm totally current on my mortgage now. I want this off of my report. Thanks

How do I get a late mortgage payment off of my credit report?opera music

it will stay on your credit report for 7 years.

How do I get a late mortgage payment off of my credit report?opera sheet music opera theaterthanks, friend! i've been there, i know it is frustrating, and despite what people think, not everybody that makes a late payment is just lazy or irresponsible; life throws you a curveball sometimes. good luck! Report It

It will disappear in a few years. Until then, you will have to live with it.
You can't. It will be 'erased' after seven years.

You can add a statement to your report to explain the sitution. This statement will be viewable for all prospective credit grantors.
You don't get it off. That what a credit report is. Just because you made up the late payment and became current does not allow you to ask that it be removed.

It will disappear in the normal time frame of seven years from its original delinquency.
you cannot...all info is kept for seven years. so in the meantime pay everything on time and this will be a minor glich in you overall score...and ater 7 years it will dissappear

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